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I published the book In Strangers’ Arms: The Magic of Tango (McFarland, 2011).

The following are articles in professional psychology peer-reviewed journals.

Dujovne, B. and Levy, B. The psychometric structure of the Wechsler Memory Scale. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1971; 27:351-354.

Dujovne, B.  Tests of Love Doomed to Fail.  Marriage and Family Living, October, 1982.

Dujovne, B. Sexual feelings, fantasies, and acting out in psychotherapy. 

Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 1983; 20(2):243-250.

Dujovne, B.  Women and psychoanalytic psychology: The problem of the internaland the external.  Missouri Psychologist, 1987; 44:12-13.

Dujovne, B.  Paradoxical sadness or love is painful.  Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 1990, 27:475-478.

Dujovne, B.  Contemporary revisions of classical psychoanalytic theory of early female development.  Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. 1991, 28:317-326.

Dujovne, B. Perverse relatedness. Journal of Psychoanalytic Psychology, 2002.

Dujovne, B.  Disavowal and the culture of deadening.  Revisiting Stanley Kubrick Eyes Wide Shut. Journal of Psychoanalytic Psychology, 2004. 21, 4, 633-637.

Dujovne, Beatriz (2011). In Strangers’ Arms: The Magic of the Tango. McFarland Pub, North Carolina.

My poems have appeared in Writing in a Woman’s Voice, Front Porch Review, Amethyst Review, and January Review.